Most orders are fulfilled within 10 mins to 4 hours. But sometimes I can take up to 12 hours for an order to be delivered. If you don’t hear back from us within 12 hours please contact us
This occurs when your MAC address doesn’t match the one on the system. Reasons can be that you didn’t provide MAC address or gave wrong MAC address.
When you don’t provide MAC address, we create one for you assuming you are using STBEmu in which you can edit MAC address.
The MAC address should start from 00:1A:79:xx:xx:xx. If your device MAC address starts different than this mean that you need to download app where you get MAC address in this format.
If your see this error please provide us your correct MAC address by contacting us
This problem can be from multiple reasons. We will try to explain some. Before that we want to explain that we don’t manage or have access to the any content on IPTV. It your service provider (VooDoo, Express, Crown etc) who keeps improving their services.
Some times its due to servers overload. So choose IPTV that you know is reliable.
It can also be due to your box cached memory and processing power.Best practice to load replaced link is “UNPLUG DEVICE FOR 15 SECONDS AND THE PLUG IT AGAIN”
I can be due to poor bandwidth service.
Mostly IPTV providers fix it within sometime. We have nothing to do with it. So choose IPTV wisely.
EPG is available for most channels but not all.
EPG is not available in Gold IPTV but its most stable IPTV service.
We want to let you know that we don’t have any access to any content.
It can be due to multiple reasons.
Its IPTV providers (VooDoo, Express, Crown etc) who manage their EPG. In some IPTVs EPG is blocked for sometime and get back on eventually. We have nothing to do with it.
Kodi app in most cases fails to fetch the EPG.
Premium IPTV m3u link users:
Some m3u Players/apps fails to fetch EPG and you have to manually add EPG link in settings. You will get EPG link in email.
All prices are in USD
It is very common in all IPTVs that a channel can be blocked and stop working. But its soon replaced. Best practice to load replaced link is “UNPLUG DEVICE FOR 15 SECONDS AND THE PLUG IT AGAIN”
This will clear old cache.
We want to explain that we don’t manage or have access to the any content on IPTV. It your service provider (VooDoo, Express, Crown etc) is responsible for their services.
So choose your IPTV wisely.
There can be multiple reasons for this error.
70% Kodi users on a PC resolved this error by deleting the Kodi app and downloading from official site of Kodi. Even downloaded from Micrsoft store gave this error in most cases.
Make sure you have enetered the right MAC address and URL in Stalker Client
In some cases you can copy/paste the Portal URL in a browser. It will redirect you to a new URL. Copy that URL and past in Kodi.
Make sure you exit app from menu.
You have to replace “Portal URL” and leave the “Inner Portal URL” empty.
This is a non-refundable service. You agree to our terms when you make the purchase.